Habilitation at the Faculty of Catholic Theology
Are you interested in applying for habilitation?
The prerequisite for being granted authorisation to teach is proof of outstanding academic or artistic qualifications and multiple teaching activities at recognised post-secondary educational institutions as proof of the applicant's teaching skills.
The application must be submitted to the Dean's Office with all necessary enclosures. Please arrange a submission date with the responsible officer at the Dean's Office.
- Information on the application for the conferral of teaching authorisation
- Recommendation of the faculty committee of the Faculty of Catholic Theology for cumulative habilitations - currently in progress
The written work submitted must
- be methodologically sound,
- contain new scientific results and
- demonstrate academic mastery of the habilitation subject and the ability to promote it.
Legal basis
The Rectorate has the right to grant authorisation to teach (venia docendi) for an entire academic or artistic subject upon application. The teaching authorisation applied for must fall within the sphere of activity of the university. The granting of the authorisation to teach is associated with the right to freely exercise academic or artistic teaching at this university by means of its facilities and to supervise and assess academic or artistic work (§§ 81 to 83, § 124). (UG2002, § 103 para. 1)
- UG 2002, § 103 (German only)
- Part of the statutes for the implementation of habilitation procedures at the University of Graz (German only)