The faculty also publishes several online journals, which are available through the university's unipub server: The faculty journal Limina, the Journal for Religion, Film and Media, the Ecumenical Forum. Journal for Ecumenical and Patristic Studies, and the Austrian Religious Education Forum. More than 40 volumes have already appeared in the faculty's own series "Theology in Cultural Dialogue," published by Tyrolia-Verlag. In addition, individual titles are published by the university publishing house. New publications can be found regularly at the faculty news. A complete overview of the publications at the faculty can also be found in the research portal (select publications under the units on the left)
Research collaborations
The Faculty of Catholic Theology in Graz is involved in a wide range of national and international cooperations in its research.
Within the University of Graz, for example, there are cooperations with the profile area "Smart Regulation", with "CIRAC - Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing and Care", with the research network "Heterogeneity and Cohesion" or with the Centre for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz.
International research cooperations:
- Research Training Group "Resonant Self-World Relations in Ancient and Modern Socio-Religious Practices" (Graz-Erfurt),
- The international "Q-Project" in the context of New Testament Biblical Studies.
- The philosophical research network "Emmanuel Levinas
- "The dawn of monotheism? Judean religion(s) in Persian and early Hellenistic times in the light of iconographic, epigraphic and biblical sources" in cooperation with the historians of the University of Warsaw
- Research Network "Iconic Turn in the Christian Confessions" in cooperation with the University of Munich, the University of Marburg and the Centre for Contemporary Art and Religion KULTUM in Graz
- "Models of Religious Education (MORE) - Models of Religious Education in Comparison: The Topic 'Islam' from the Perspective of Teachers and Pupils", DACH-Project in cooperation with the University of Vienna, University of Graz, University of Potsdam, University of Tübingen and University of Zurich
- Medical Decision Making in Multiple System Atrophy" in cooperation with MedUni Innsbruck and UMIT Hall/Tyrol
- Religious Studies Research Network "Reception of East Asia in the European Tradition" together with the University of Vienna and the University of Hong Kong.