Graduates of the degree program have a broad knowledge of practical philosophical models of thought and argumentation. This is supplemented by specialist knowledge of religions and cultures as well as moral psychology. Presenting and dealing with ethical topics in the classroom in a methodically reflective, situationally appropriate and age-appropriate manner is one of the core didactic skills that students should acquire. In addition, they learn to perceive the ethical relevance of current individual and social problems, to reflect on the values implied therein, to critically question their personal position and to introduce these (sometimes complex) contexts into the discourse (public/school).
Information on studying
Hard Facts
The teacher training program in UF Ethics comprises a BA program with 240 ECTS credits and a subsequent MA program with 120 ECTS credits.
Curriculum (Curriculum BACHELOR - § C 29 Subject Ethics, from p. 638)
Curriculum (Curriculum MASTER - § C 29 Subject Ethics, from p. 305)
Information for students
Please refer to the "study tree" in UGO for your individual semester planning.
Please assign the selected course to the respective module in SPO Management (CS Support) on UniGrazOnline (check the box)!
The lecturers training course in ethics takes place in the South-East Development Network at the Graz and Klagenfurt locations. The cooperation partners in Graz are the University College of Teacher Education Styria and the Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum (formerly Catholic University College of Teacher Education).
- Lecturers at the University of Graz
- Lecturers at the PPH Augustinum
- Lecturers at the University College of Teacher Education Styria
How do I submit an application for recognition? - You will find all information here.
If you have any questions regarding the content of recognition, please contact Prof. Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer.
Recognition is only possible from another degree program! In the basic combination of UF-Ethics and UF-PP, it is therefore NOT possible to alternate compulsory courses. In this case, you would have to complete substitute courses. (Please contact Prof. Ruckenbauer!)
However, if you choose UF-Ethics as an extension subject, formally and content-wise suitable credits from the basic combination are permitted.
Example: You are studying UF PP combined with a foreign language. In this case, the "Introduction to Ethics" must also be recognized in the extension subject for ETA.001.
For further individual recognitions, please ensure sufficient equivalence of content and formal requirements (a VO cannot be recognized for a course type immanent to the examination).
Please note the rule for the following credits from the UF PP:
1. credit for the course "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und rationale Argumentationen" (ETA.002) is only possible with a combination of a PS "Einführung in die Philosophie (mit einer Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten)" and an introductory course from the field of logic for reasons of content.
2. the VO "Grundlagen der Fachdidaktik UF PP" is NOT identical to the VO "Grundfragen der Fachdidaktik Ethik" (ETG.001). This is reflected in the different methodological approaches and differing content of the two subjects.